Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Christine Blasey-Ford Motive

"Blasey-Ford is going after Brett Kavanaugh. It has nothing to do with some allegation of  what she said he did as a high school boy that is totally unproven and discounted by Kavanaugh's many friends and Brett Kavanaugh himself.

Instead, and with the total cooperation and encouragement of Democrats, "Christine Blasey-Ford is going after Brett Kavanaugh out of spite and revenge for a case ruled on by Brett Kavanaugh mother" who was the judge in a case against her parents that did turn out to their liking.

Read about it...

Democrats are repulsive and will do anything to get back the power-- They are so paranoid about the woman's right to choose, killing a live baby in the womb, that they are now as disgusting as abortion itself...killing a person's reputation and career for power.


  1. So Christine Blasey-Ford is doing this and subjecting herself to hateful posts, smears, and death threats because her parents lost a court case ruled on by Kavanaugh's mother and all this is to even the score. You know you don't actually believe that, Lynn. You want to believe it but, honestly, do you actually think like this?

    Someday, certain folks will apply their "innocent until proven guilty" thinking to women who are victims of sexual assault. "Truthful until proven deceitful" might actually be a thing some day.

    It's old school to believe that women deserve to be treated as nothing else but a housewife and something for men to enjoy. As the years pass, that thinking and those who still possess it gradually disappear. Apparently we still have some ways to go.

  2. The court case was in her parents favor they kept the house.

  3. anyone with half a brain knows this woman is full of it. Disgusting that they have to waste time on it.

  4. I find it hard to believe that a woman would make such an allegation and put herself through the torment of what is now happening by hateful people just to settle a score. I guess anything is possible but you have to have quite the imagination to believe that.

  5. I suppose some day we'll start believing the women in these situations. Today, apparently, is not that day.

  6. @8:52..the only "hateful" people are those behind her and her political BS.
    Oh, Brett Kavanaugh attacked me...can't remember when it was, what year or even where it happened. I had to go through therapy 6 years ago for it all to be revealed. What a crock of liberal hateful BS at the 7th hour.
    Now if you believe her BS, then I would say that you are deeply into fiction. And to have a sitting judge be accountable to something that happened 37-38 years ago, is a big stretch of any sane person's imagination.

  7. Imagine if Republicans defended our democracy as aggressively as they defend sexual predators.

  8. Not sure what you're reading, Lynn, but the accusations lay out a place and time....and there are witnesses.....and she told someone last year about it when the Kavanaugh's name was being thrown around.

    She's risking a lot and while I don't know enough about the details of the case, her character, the history of her life and the character of Brett Kavanaugh...like you do...I do know that all allegations of sexual abuse need to be treated with respect to both parties.

  9. Hey Henry-have you ever heard about these dreadful creatures called "Democrats"? They would pimp their own mothers if it got them the power they crave.It's not about "believing women". It's about dirty desperate tricks to keep Kavanagh off of the Supreme court by any means. Did you speak up for Juanita Broaddrick,Paula Jones,or Kathleen Willey,Ruth? I'm sure that you didn't. Because only Democrat women who accuse Republican men 50 years after the fact are to be believed. Feinstein and the Democrats have done real harm to real women who have really been raped and abused. Kavanagh will be appointed. And Feinstein will be forever remembered for this shameful lie.

  10. Where is the proof? What actually happened and who with. This allegation has no credibility since we know Democrats will do and say anything. Therapy for such a minor event? She's not believable and this has nothing to do with women's rights.

  11. @11:38--read more on it.
    She can't even name the year.
    The so called person who was in the room denies it.
    This was when she was 15 she says...too young to be at a party where alcohol was to begin with. She's now 53...that's 38 freaking years ago.
    It's all BS and the country knows it. Even some smart Democrat such as yourself.

  12. 11:26am where do you get sexual predator out of this uncredited tale of drunk high schoolers? Was Bill Clinton there? Was anyone there?

  13. Did Democrats defend their pal bill Clinton?

  14. 3:45pm that sounds just about right, then factor in Feinstein and a bunch of whining insulting actual victims of actual assault.

  15. This could be a case of false memory; that is, remembering something that never actually happened. As it is, it is such a trifling event, that no normal person would even remember it; real or imagined.

  16. 7:35pm sanest comment here.
