Friday, July 20, 2018

Tattoo Parlors in Lake Worth

Lake Worth says no more tattoo shops, ponders downtown’s future

Mayor, you can't really believe what you said? I'm with you commissioner Maxwell. NO more tattoo parlors especially in the downtown. This never should have been allowed. People are really disgusted about what is happening in the downtown and many are staying away or moving out. And if you don't believe me, talk to some of the merchants.

Read the article...


  1. We moved out over a year ago. Not only because of the crime, blight and ineffectively run local government, but because these elected gave themselves these huge raises, salaries of a middle class worker with benefits and another $500/month for gas, to make almost $40K a year for two meetings a month as elected officials is raping the citizens of this good city. WE don't go downtown or eat out in LW anymore. It is too bad to hear all of this about the city going down this way. It looks horrible, so dumpy and blighted, they have a CRA, but nothing is helping this city, they have a huge scam going on here against the good people of the city. Lynn thank you for exposing all of this and holding them accountable.

  2. The business owners are also to blame in the death of our downtown. They were too cowardly to come and read the riot act to these idiots on the council. Nobody wanted to get Amoroso mad for fear of having code show up on their door step. Now he's gone and they'll be next.This Commission has done NOTHING for our downtown. Why not an art festival? And don't put it up at the beach ,stupid asses!
    How does our town keep mysteriously growing? It's five something square miles. Then he the official word was six something. Now it's seven. Trying to justify your obscene benefits Scott???
    Greater Bay,Hudson Holdings and now the Peterson Clan. Our poor town just keeps getting raped,,,,

  3. this town aint going to do s-it for businesses in l.w.unles there are free drinks or meals

  4. Did you all hear on the news last night about some article that was written and published in I think a Vero Beach or Ft. Pierce magazine saying something like that people who get tattoos are trashy and freaks? The tat folks are up in arms about it!!!!!

  5. I don't like tattoos or people who get them, personally I think people who get tattoos are insecure people and just need to follow pop culture to fit in, they have no real self identity or self security.

  6. Tattoos are tacky and really say something about a person who gets one. I agree people plastered with tattoos look like freaks, trashy-like people. Sorry, we all have our own opinions. They do not need to put more tattoo parlors in downtown next to bars, crazzzzzzzzzzzzzzzy!

  7. So did you ever find out Lynn if the mayor pam has a tattoo?

  8. They said on the news again tonight that the Treasure Coast magazine is taking a lot of flack by tat people because of saying that people who get tattoos are trashy and freaks. You should do a pole on this one Lynn!
