Friday, July 20, 2018

Sacred Heart School's Organic Garden


Sacred Heart School
410 North M Street
Lake Worth, FL  33460

The William B. Finneran Montessori Academy of Sacred Heart School’s Organic Garden, from seed to table!

Lake Worth, Florida, USA – Friday, July 18, 2018 – School gardens are gaining popularity across the country. This is no different at the William B. Finneran Montessori Academy of Sacred Heart School in Lake Worth, Florida where most of the students take ownership of their From Seed to Table Organic Garden Program. In conjunction with the garden, the school introduced its FREE organic breakfast and lunch program last year.

In 2017, a group of parents and alumni designed and now manage the whimsical storybook themed garden. The garden gives a nod to books such as Dr. Seuss, Jack in the Beanstalk, The Ugly Duckling, and more. The school uses the garden in conjunction with their S.T.R.E.A.M. curriculum. “The garden offers an opportunity for the children to experience what they learned in class. That is why the children call it their outdoor science lab”, detailed Principal Tamposi. The children consume what they grow or take it home in the hope of introducing their parents to healthy eating.

“I believe that eating healthy is a learned behavior, and. Sacred Heart School introduced our organic garden in conjunction with our free or reduced organic breakfast and lunch program and it has been a total success”, stated Principal Candace Tamposi.

Principal Tamposi admits that the process of getting FREE organic breakfast and lunch programs in place was involved but well worth it.

Changing their palate to healthy eating needed to start with what we offered at school. Therefore, Principal Tamposi took the snack machines out and banned processed foods. The children were skeptical at first but halfway through the first year, the children started to use terms like natural sugar foods and low-fat foods.

The children are growing Strawberries, papayas, banana, blue berries, breadfruit, avocado, sweet potato, cabbage, several kinds of tomatoes, lettuce, several kinds of beans, cilantro, basil, rosemary, mint, red & yellow bell peppers, lemongrass, garlic chives radishes, and chickpeas.

“You cannot expect a child to learn on an empty stomach.” Principal Tampo

Child amazed at size of cabbage--


  1. This is great that they are doing this for the kids. I heard that principal is really good.

    Too bad they wouldn't get better priests. The head priest their loves to scream and yell and shout when he is preaching, you would think he is evangelical instead of Catholic. It is high time for new priests at Sacred Heart. They need to rotate these guys out, the people deserve better. Fr. K is a real turn off. Wish he would not yell so much during his sermons. Not inviting.

  2. Too bad they have two, both Haitian priests at this church. They should get at least one Latino and an American good old fashioned American type or Irish like priest. We stopped going to this church, the one priest likes to talk about himself all the time and talk about how he has travelled the world and all he has done. The other shouts a lot and drives like a $43000 car, go figure. So much for humility by Catholic priests.

  3. This is a great program for the kids. I remember I saw a show where first graders didn't even know what a carrot and a potato was !!!!!!

  4. How did I know that the 2 comments would be about Haitians or Guatemalans? I can’t predict the winner of a Dolphins game, where a hurricane will make landfall or pick lottery numbers but I’m clairvoyant when it comes to this, works ever time.

  5. well 4.50 has no idea what the others are talking about.we go to this church also for many many years and find it hard when it is not clear what is being preached.what is worse is the person sometimes reading the epistle.i miss the old church and should not have to learn another language


  6. Believe me, until you have gone to this church for a long time and sat through many of the homilies from Fr. Quesnel, don't judge any of us parishioners, go and see for yourself. Count your blessings when Deacon Jerry gives it. The shouting and yelling from Fr. Q will make you cringe and jump out of your seat. You will believe and see the truth then, the truth will set you free. God bless you all. Amen.

    Anonymous said...
    How did I know that the 2 comments would be about Haitians or Guatemalans? I can’t predict the winner of a Dolphins game, where a hurricane will make landfall or pick lottery numbers but I’m clairvoyant when it comes to this, works ever time.
    July 20, 2018 at 4:50 PM

  7. There used to be a nice Guatemalan priest many years ago at Sacred Heart Catholic Church named Father Edgar. He was nice, really gentle. He used to eat breakfast a lot at Toojay's.

  8. Father Edgar is nice. He is a priest at St. Luke now over on Congress in Palm Springs. Quite a nice spirit.

  9. Personally, I think the Diocese of Palm Beach should rotate the priests every 3-5 years, the same ones for so many years is not healthy for a parish. These two at SH have been there now for like 7-8 years, it is too long. Many have lost respect for them and the English masses are not well attended now at all, most have abandoned this church at the English masses. Only the Spanish and Creole masses are well attended now. They cater too much to the immigrants only here now and have chased all the rest away unfortunately.

    Bishop G Barbarito needs to intervene and rotate priests better in the PB Diocese and not put to Haitian priests at the same church ever. They did this now at St. Juliana and I have already heard many people I know go there are not happy at all with that and are switching churches.

  10. The best Catholic Church in our area now is St. Mark in Boynton Beach, it is well attended and has all older anglo priests who are really in touch with their parishioners. Fr. Fink is so nice, but all three priests there are good, they touch your soul when they give a homily. It is worth it to drive down to Boynton for a good mass.

  11. I agree and wish that Father Quesnel would stop screaming so much when he speaks or gives his homily. It is not enjoyable and is only a turn off. No one needs to shout to get a message across, you can do it gently and with love, talking softly and with love.

  12. Try a southern Baptist church--lots of shouting going on. If you don't like a certain priest, can't you talk to someone in authority about him?

  13. I thought this post was supposed to be about the organic vegetable garden. If Jesus were conducting mass at Sacred Heart, there are few in the parish who would understand him. What a bunch of misanthropes.

  14. I see our liberal know-it-all is back throwing bombs. For someone who does not even believe in religion, surmising what Jesus would do is really sacrilege.
    "Beware of the scribes, who like to walk around in long robes, and love greetings in the marketplaces and the best seats in the synagogues and the places of honor at feasts, who devour widows’ houses and for a pretense make long prayers. They will receive the greater condemnation"
    It seems a few of some gripes with their priest. Not allowed in your book?

  15. Well the priests of today are no different from the pharoses of the past. Most priests are a bunch of hypocrites and out of touch. Most are not humble either, living high on the hog with maids, servants, and live free in the rectory. Do you know that the Catholic Priests in Palm beach make a salary of almost $50K a year? Pretty high for getting everything for free and giving one mass for an hour 6 days a week as they have one day off.

  16. There is a gay priest in the diocese who has had sex with a lot of gay guys in the counties here. How would you feel if you met someone and they never told you that they were a priest and you had sex with them and then after the fact they tell you they are really a priest? It happened! And then they put that priest at the church I go to. Then you have to receive communion from them. Quite ironic isn't it, but true? sexuall You have sex and get something from them that way, then at mass they are doling out communion. I wish priests would not hide behind the clothes and do this to people, but so many priests are gay and do this to poor gays. Today in the news they were just talking about this then priest, now cardinal who did this and abused someone sexually for a very long time:

    RICHMOND, Va. (AP) — A Virginia man said Friday he was sexually abused for about two decades by Cardinal Theodore McCarrick, a prominent Roman Catholic leader who was removed from public ministry last month over separate child abuse allegations.

    Priests are supposed to be celibate. Remember Father Alberto the Spanish priest with the talk show that got a lady pregnant while a priest and now has switch to be an Episcopal priest.

    Do you put priests on a pedestal misanthrope?

  17. Sorry Lynn, I am Catholic and love my faith and I go to church weekly, but I will not put other people even priests on a pedestal. They are human beings too, they are not God, most are worse sinners than many of us.

  18. Javier Del Sol used to do a lot of gardens for children at Highland Elem and all over the city. He is a real saint. He should have been a priest or preacher. He is wise and kind, loving, and a deep spiritual soul.

    The city would be a lot different if he had gotten elected as mayor.

  19. Fr. Quesnel and Fr. Nobert are not Jesus. Don't compare them to God, they are not and never will be. Jesus is who we should be emulating and trying to be like. Not these priests. They are some of the worst examples to follow. Jesus is planting the organic vegetable and fruit garden. The garden of life, not these human priests who are no better then any one else here.

    Anonymous said...
    I thought this post was supposed to be about the organic vegetable garden. If Jesus were conducting mass at Sacred Heart, there are few in the parish who would understand him. What a bunch of misanthropes.
    July 20, 2018 at 8:10 PM


  21. Thanks for mentioning that Lawrence. I have to try to get over to see it.
