Friday, July 20, 2018

Housing Projects coming to Lake Worth

"There are currently five other housing projects underway or near completion in Lake Worth other than Lake Cove community, a 59 single-family home subdivision being built on a 12-acre site on 19th Avenue North, just north of Vernon Heights..
  • The One, a 14-unit, four-story condo on South Palmway and Lake Avenue that is 60 percent sold and due to be completed in August.
  • Banyan Court Apartments, a 3-story complex on North A Street that will include 85 1- and 2-bedroom units.
  • Adopt-A-Family is building a 14-unit housing development at North A Street and 3rd Avenue North by 2020.
  • The MID, a 230-unit project at 1601 N. Dixie Highway received an economic development incentive from the city in May, with staff still awaiting for submission of the major site plan.
  • Golden Roads, a 189-unit apartment complex on the north side of 10th Avenue, just west of Boutwell Road."
Can you even imagine all the traffic on A Street and 10th Avenue North once some of these developments are built?  Holy Moly.  And who pays for all this infrastructure? As far as the crime addressed in this article, commissioners just ignore those sections of Lake Worth and you never see PBSO until AFTER the fact.

Read about it... at The Palm Beach Post


  1. OK so that's 591 new housing units. Figure 3 people per unit ( and that's being extremely conservative seeing how most of these ghetto rentals will probably have 8 or more people shoved into them).That equals 1773 new people . If half of those are drivers(again being very conservative) that's 887 new people driving on our already clogged roads! So more like one thousand new cars zipping around. Planning and zoning is a total joke. I hope all these planers go to the hell of driving where for the rest of eternity they have to drive around in the driving hells they have created here on earth for the rest of us!!!

  2. Wow! So you might have to wait 2 light cycles before getting onto I95, how will we survive?

  3. Just go to 6th Ave, Lantana or Forest Hill to go on I95 now, 10th Ave is worthless and for the birds, why the hell did they do this? Makes NO sense!

  4. SOMEONE is getting rich on this travesty, and illegals will benefit.

  5. The planners of this mess don't even live in Lake Worth.

  6. And the new red light at 10th ave N entrance to north bound traffic is timed so that it stays red for 30 seconds after the turn lane from the other side has gone red.

    Bureaucrats who are getting a check from taxpayers don't care how they inconvenience drivers.

  7. Adopt-a-family? PC speak for "illegals welcome here" I can't move to any foreign country and get free housing and I can't have children supported by taxpayers.
