Friday, July 20, 2018

Border Apprehensions of Ilegals on Rise

Border apprehensions of migrant families have risen substantially so far in 2018

The United States apprehended nearly 49,000 family members at the U.S.-Mexico border between January and June of this year – more than twice as many as during the same time period last year, and the highest number during any January-June period since at least 2012, according to a Pew Research Center analysis of U.S. Customs and Border Protection data. [Rasmussen]

Family members as a share of all border apprehensions was (24%) over this period compared with the past six years.


  1. Don't you think they would start getting smart?

  2. The president of Mexico is telling them they have the "right" to migrate, these ignorants are pawns.

  3. Hooray! Send them all back and never let even one illegal in this country now or in the future ever have a pathway to citizenship, never ever!
