Friday, July 27, 2018

Supreme Court Gives Warnings to District Judges on Trump Resistance Rulings

The Supreme Court delivered a not so veiled threat against judges who use activism in place of the law in their decisions. They also criticized the judges for making their rulings national and not case specific, a breach of trust on their part.

Those judges would be eligible for removal for corruption. Although the warning is about several different issues, the court was especially harsh on judges who ruled against Trump’s travel bans, as he was doing this under the auspices of a law passed by Congress. They pointed out they could not take statements made by Trump or any of his officials on the subject. [Steadfast and Loyal]

Read about it...

1 comment:

  1. Great news! They are biased and are not fair and should not be in office.

    You know, then you wonder today why so many have lost all respect for our government, law, and law enforcement/police.

    No one enforces and respects laws anymore. We cannot respect our government when they do this, like allowing all these illegal human trafficked labors and illegals here. We want law and order and until the government enforces all of our laws about this, most will vote for President Trump or people like him. We want law and order and all here legally paying their fair share of taxes.

    Do the courts not understand this?
