Friday, July 27, 2018

The Moon and Mars

Well, I didn't get up at midnight to try and take a shot of the Moon and Mars but my friend Alice, with an app on her phone, did. The way that I understand it is, tonight at midnight, Mars will be as large as the Moon. This was said by Science Info to be a a cosmic event that only happens every 35,000 years.


  1. LOL.

    It's tonight, Lynn.

    But thanks.


  2. Cool! I want to get up at midnight and see that and write about it and take a photo. how exciting! Thanks Lynn for always sharing so much great info. here.

  3. @11:27--I realize that you are only excited about dissing Trump.
    @11:26 sames wise guy--I know when it is.

  4. Lynn, you are wrong and that is offensive of what you just did saying this about me. I have been a loyal reader of yours for many years. I said nothing offensive toward President Trump. Now it sounds like you are getting as crazy as all those people that have Trump Derangement Syndrome.

    I really do want to see this and plan to get up at 12 and write about it and take photos, I didn't know until you mentioned it here.

    Sorry, but your comment is really uncalled for, I only did the comment at 11:27am too. Sounds like some type of paranoia on your part.

    I will pray for you dear.

  5. Paranoia on my part? LOL. Well, when you are beat up on a daily basis, perhaps so.
    Still think you're the same wise guy at 11:26 but post in the future under your real name.
