Friday, July 27, 2018

Townhall Traffic Meeting

Commissioner Omari Hardy and PB County Commissioner, Dave Kerner

Kudos to Commissioner Omari Hardy!

Last night, commissioner Omari Hardy had a Community Traffic Meeting at the Lake Worth Casino. It was well attended and the discussion was on the traffic conditions when attempting to get onto 10th Avenue North from North A Street as well as entering and exiting I-95 from 10th Avenue N. Other streets with traffic problems were mentioned--North D Street, Dixie Highway and 22 Avenue North.

There were many concerns regarding A Street while entering 10th Avenue North at the intersection. People enter 10th Avenue and do not stay in their lane closest to them but cross over thus tying up the flow of traffic and causing congestion and back-ups. Suggestions for a left turn arrow was mentioned.

This I-95 Interchange is a long process. Lake Worth could widen the road to 3 lanes on North A street by 10th Avenue North but designs could change in the future.  County Engineers spoke as well as a rep from FDOT.


  1. the only thing I know, it's a mess up there.

  2. How about getting rid of the red light at the northbound entrance to 95 at 10th?

    I guess that Is too simple and obvious solution to the nightmare created by its installation.

    Will the elected officials bureaucratize it before they solve the problem?

    It stays red for about 20 seconds after the eastbound entrants have finished.

    I suggest drivers ignore it unless it is fixed quickly.

    Which brilliant traffic engineer suggested it?

  3. What a mess! Why do they need to put at red light to go on to I95, makes now sense! The problems started with the state did this.

  4. is that light to help our kids get to school.i have seen kids almost get hit there

  5. Ignore the red light getting onto I-95 North bound if you can do so safely. Hope some vandal takes it out. Make Local officials demand that the state get rid of it. They need to take the citizen suggestion to put those flexible rubber posts in to define the lanes so that the Jackasses coming north off of A street cannot get into the wrong lane.An overpass for the children would solve a lot of problems.Bottom line -you can't legislate "stupid" away,which is why the state is burdening us all with these dangerous traffic lights. They want to "keep us safe". RUBBISH! Unlike the whining,moaning woman who stood up and stated that she is afraid to turn because she got hit,99.9 % of us know better than to turn in front of an oncoming car.

  6. 10.53 says 99.9% know better than to turn in front of someone that's fake news

  7. I hope you ignore it and get a ticket. Whoever thinks 99.9% know better about anything on the highways, probably doesn't drive very much.
