Monday, June 18, 2018

Zachary Cruz - obtaining his American Dream

17 year old Zachary Cruz got caught up because of the evil deeds of his brother. He was arrested March 19 on a misdemeanor trespassing charge at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, where his brother fatally shot 17 people on February 14. There were conditions set by the court that he proceeded to ignore. The court then ordered that he be monitored through an ankle bracelet. He, once again, broke the conditions.

He went before the judge who agreed that he could move to Virginia--that Nexus was funding housing and providing a job. He is now suing the ankle bracelet company. They ensure that he will go to work, check in with his probation officer and attend therapy.

The company helping him, Nexus Derechos Humanos (Nexus Services) that is under investigation by a federal agency and three states for its business practices, is also funding a federal lawsuit against prosecutors, a judge and jail employees in Broward County on Cruz's behalf. Nexus has a branch that provides immigration bond service and assists undocumented immigrants caught up in the legal system.

This is what you call "the American Dream"-- the right to sue and possibly make a lot of money. Get free rent, a $13-an-hour handyman position and a company in love with illegal immigrants footing lawsuits and a few basics of life all for free. Perhaps Nexus is doing a good thing for all the right reasons...perhaps. But for some reason I think this kid, who already is dealing with the evil horrors of his brother and just wants to be a normal kid, is being used.

Read about it..