Monday, June 18, 2018

Fane Lozman wins again against Riviera Beach

U.S. Supreme Court hands Fane Lozman second win against Riviera Beach

Read about it... and this fantastic win for Fane Lozman. This guy is a hero in my book.

1 comment:

  1. NARROW decision? 8-1 is a NARROW decision??? The Palm Beach Post really needs to take it's head out of it's ass and get some air.This was a bitch slap to the lower courts to stop acting like the Banana Republic Nazi's that they are. This also shines the light on how corrupt our local appeals and federal courts really are! These judges always stand for fucing the citizens over the local politicos.
    Can ANYONE reading this even wrap your head around getting arrested while publicly speaking in the very narrow window alloted to us pissants to address our "masters" face to face? FANE,you are an American hero ! God bless you ,my friend
