Monday, June 18, 2018

Quote of the Day - Jeff Sessions on Zero Tolerance

“The American people have been begging and pleading with our elected officials for an immigration system that is lawful and that serves our national interest — one that we can be proud of. There is nothing mean-spirited about that. They are right, decent and just to ask for this. But for more than a decade now, the elites and Washington insiders have prioritized the interests of certain corporate interests and activist groups over what is best for the American people.

Under the laws of this country, illegal entry is a misdemeanor. Re-entry after having been deported is a felony. Under the law, we are supposed to prosecute these crimes. Accordingly, I have ordered our prosecutors to pursue 100 percent of the illegal entries on the Southwest border that DHS refers to us. If you cross the Southwest border unlawfully, then the Department of Homeland Security will arrest you and the Department of Justice will prosecute you. That is what the law calls for — and that is what we are going to do. Having children does not give you immunity from arrest and prosecution. It certainly doesn’t give immunity to American citizens.”

~ Attorney General Jeff Sessions


  1. Wow.Sessions breifly awoke from his coma

  2. I agree! This law and practice was started back in 2006 under Bush, Obama used it too, it has been going on like this for 12 years, now all of sudden since President Trump is in they care and turn this all out of proportion, it is crazy. Plus most of this with kids coming in is all gang related. The human trafficking needs to stop, it is out of control, law is law and no one has the right to just come into any country and do this. What bothers me greater is now the priests and Catholics are crazy over this, preaching to us and telling us to do more, the Catholic Church uses their power to drive politics, they have promoted all this illegal immigration and still promote it today, the immigrants are almost 50% of their base now and here at Sacred Heart makes up the bigger part of their money intake along with the Haitians, there are not many English speaking attendees today, most of those masses have hands full of people the others are packed. They church sensationalizes all of this, do they want all this lack of law and order too? Do they want all the gangs and crime? Don't buy into all of this. We need to enforce laws no matter what Deacon Jerry says. The church is too much, almost as bad as CNN or NBC.

  3. You're absolutely right, Anon at 6:01. Christians should only follow what they agree with in the Bible and always question what the Catholic Church tells them. If their politics runs afoul of what the Bible says or what their local priest, bishop, cardinal or Pope says, who is God to take precedence over Donald J. Trump?

    Throw these kids in cages. Rip them from their parents arms. Ignore their cries. We gotta be safe here in America, dammit.

    That's what Jesus would do.

  4. How in the FUC do you know what Jesus would do,10:23 ??I guess you couldn't bitch about the same policy under Obama because he kept it "on the down low". Just like his sexuality. The only thing different with Trump is that the illegal kids now have a higher living standard than poor kids in America and the fact that Trump is following the law,not $hitting on it.

  5. When citizens break the law as when they use children to cover for shoplifting, they get arrested and the child goes to social services.
