Monday, June 18, 2018

Tuesday night's Commission Agenda

Following are a few things on the Consent Agenda for Tuesday:
  • Automated License Plate Readers and Surveillance Cameras:  The Authorization provides for the use of $332,012 in surtax funds for the acquisition and installation of Automated License Plate Readers and Surveillance Cameras throughout the City to be monitored by the Palm Beach Sheriff’s Office.
  • Interlocal Agreement with the CRA for the acquisition and development of property in our downtown for parking lots. This will also be from the penny sales tax of $1,230,000.

  • L Street parcels
  • The City’s three year Collective Bargaining Agreement with IBEW for the period of October 1, 2015 through September 30, 2018 includes a re-opener clause allowing for the negotiation of wages each fiscal year. Pursuant to the re-opener clause, the City says that it has engaged in productive negotiations with IBEW. The bargaining team for each party tentatively agreed to a 3% wage increase for the fiscal year October 1, 2017 to September 30, 2018, subject to ratification by the employees and approval by the Commission. The IBEW Membership voted in favor of such increase in June 2018.
  • No one responded to the RFP on the Beach Equipment Rental Concession contract with Oceanside Beach Service so their contract has been extended  to 9-30-18.


  1. The CRA and St Joan of the Holy Red Christian Louboutins really need to be abolished . Or at least redistricted to a run down part of our city. They DO NOT need to control our downtown.That ship sailed about 20 years ago. I can only surmise they are being kept in power to funnel funds to certain political powers and administrators in Lake Worth.

  2. The CRA is a huge fraud and they are snowing the citizens here. The true mission of a CRA should be to fix the problems and eventually become obsolete and be disassembled. But no, they don't want that. it is all a scam. The CRA director makes a huge salary, there is so much waste and fluff. If the city leaders cannot do it themselves, then have a CRA, but they get paid a lot of money for two meetings a month. They are all do nothing elected, managers, and directors. This entire thing is a scam on the good citizens. Don't elect another official in the city who will allow this to continue. CRA=SCAM!
