Saturday, June 23, 2018

Tom Arnold is a typical Hollywood POS

Michael Cohen Denies Discussing Trump With Tom Arnold

Cohen tweeted that he had a "chance, public encounter" in the hotel's lobby and that Arnold asked to take a selfie.

Read about Tom Arnold, another Hollywood loser...


  1. Democratic liars

  2. why don't you print about sara sanders being kicked out of a restaurant in Virginia by some asshole if a republican did that to a dem there would be hell to pay.thats not the first administration employee that has happened to.MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN PRESIDENT TRUMP.WE LOVE YOU

  3. Liberals only lie when they open their mouths.

  4. Too bad about Roseanne and her show, I was looking forward to a new season next fall. it was great she came back and did this. Sorry she did this and they did her in like they did, uncalled for. Too bad, I won't watch any remake of The Connors now though. No more TV!

  5. You guys act as though you've never before refused to bake a cake for a gay couple.

    It happens to both sides. Get used to it. Democrats have.

  6. ABC made a huge mistake with what they did to Roseanne and canceling her so fast like they did. Everyone has a right to be forgiven and given a second chance. Roseanne will rise like the Phoenix and even have more success now. I will never watch any other remake or other show spinoff from Roseanne, they are all a bunch of hypocrites. So many of them are, ABC, NBC, and CBS have no good shows anymore, there used to be many good sitcoms, tv stinks now and most of these channels are too far left and one sided, I have lost respect for them, even PBS is getting that way. I think Fox should do a new show with Roseanne and just her with a new cast, and it would be real successful. One thing I like about FOX is that they talk about Christianity and even on Fox and Friends summer concert series have Christian bands coming on a singing. They are in touch with the true Christians in this country who work hard, play by the rules, and want law and order. Go Roseanne and Fox!
