Saturday, June 23, 2018

You had better buy a gun

Retired Army Col.’s Message Will Send Chills Down Your Spine

Here’s Why He Recommends Every Law Abiding American Get A Gun…

“When I tell you to buy guns and ammunition, I’m talking about preparing for the day that people like this have power again,” Schlichter tweeted Monday. They hate you and want you dead or enslaved. Just ask them. They will tell you. And if you aren’t ready to fight, then they will get their wish.”

Who is he talking about? LIBERALS, Democrats, Socialists, Communists and all those in a hostile mental state who are violent and mentally or emotionally agitated. It doesn't take much...just the president saying anything. Their latest excuse to act nuts?  Children. It used to be the Alt-Left that was whacked out--now it's a large majority of Democrats that are off the deep end.

Read about it...


  1. So the crazy people are the ones not mocking and taunting kids who have survived a school mass shooting.

    The crazy people are the folks who hate to see toddlers taken from their parents.

    The crazy people aren't the ones who bash a U.S. Senator Vietnam POW who is dying of brain cancer.

    The crazy folks are the ones who aren't petrified that an MS-13 gang member, Middle East terrorist or illegal immigrant is going to kick down their door any second.

    And the crazy folks believe that guns can actually kill a person.

    Get your guns. Get your bullets. God knows you have plenty of them. Hopefully, there will be a few accidents as you all prepare and the world will be a better place because of it.

  2. Controlled opposition!
    Wake Up and smell the real coffee being served!
    There is No L/R but there is a 'they'! They are
    using BORING AODC (Age Old Divide & Conquer...)
    Keep feeding the beast and there will be no peace!
    Reminds me of my evil mother..she stir it up be-
    tween her kids then try to be the voice of reason!
    Like a baby who smears poop all over - awake adults c it!

  3. I pack, not to worry

  4. This guy is right. Step one ,dehumanize your target,is on full display. How many "main stream" whacko's have called Trump and his supporters NAZIS? And everybody knows it's OK to kill a NAZI,right???

  5. We know who the ‘CHINOS’ aka, Christians In Name Only are. More importantly God knows and He is the ultimate Judge. He is not to be fooled with, he is watching you!

  6. @10:54--coming from an atheist, that's funny! Take a hike.

  7. I think it is wrong for all these liberals to label people and say that all President Trump supporters are Nazi's etc. It is offensive and wrong and not right what they are doing. We just want law and order. All should have to pay their fair share of taxes.
