Saturday, June 23, 2018

Recent Parkland high school graduate to run for commissioner

A March for Life participant and an 18 year old Marjory Stoneman Douglas High graduate has qualified to run for the Parkland city commission.

Read about it.... It's not who you think it might be. That kid would go down in flames.


  1. Who in their right mind would elect an inexperienced know it all whose brain is not even done forming???

  2. I think it is a great idea! Better for the town and state. We need new blood, no more of the ones like LW has, deadbeats do nothings that take huge salaries and do nothing for the city just leave it a boiling pot of crime and blight.

  3. New blood is one thing. Baby blood is another .Anybody who can't even legally have a beer has no business running for public office. The pre-requisite for running for office should be a minimum two years of military service or being the holder of a mortgage.

  4. Yes, it is sad that someone like andy who does not even own any property in the city has so much power in LW. Agreed one should have to own property to be able to be on a commission or mayor. Think about it, if you own a condo you can be on the condo BOD, if not, you cannot be. andy has destroyed LW, one of the greediest and corrupted of all in the city, does anyone really like or respect him anymore?
