Friday, June 29, 2018

The Violent Left

Violent Left in Portland Tears Down the American Flag and Replaces it with a Refugees Welcome Flag


  1. You even gonna mention the 5 journalists shot and killed at their desks yesterday, Lynn? Huh?

    Rob Hiaasen was from South Florida and worked at the Palm Beach Post for a while. There's your angle.

    You don't even have to mention the constant threats on journalists from Trumpsters. You don't have to mention how Trump calls them the "enemy of the people." Just do your normal writing where you ignore reality and blame the left for everything.

    You're good at that.

  2. 9:25 STFU ! Don't even TRY to go there! After all the hate the left has been spewing since Donald Trump was elected??? Again, STFU ! Can't wait to see who Trump puts on the supreme court next ! MAGA

  3. "Tom Arnold is a typical Hollywood POS"

    "You better buy a gun"

    Just these week, Lynn. You hate enough for 10 people.

    When the President of the United States points to journalists in the back of the room of a large, raucous rally and says that they are "the enemy of the people" on a Monday and a guy walks into a newsroom on a Thursday and kills 5 people, most reasonable people might think that there's a chance that there's a connection.

    The only people who don't are the people who will do and believe anything the POTUS asks them to do or believe. We'll all be waiting to see what you all do in the future when he orders you to the streets to defend him.

  4. @11:55--just telling it like it is. It has nothing to do with "hate." You all have enough of that for the entire world.

  5. You all will do whatever he tells you to do, that's the bottom line.

    We're starting to see it happen now and in the coming months, it's only going to get worse.

    You don't see it now but if I had told you back in 2014 that you would be complimenting Putin and the N. Korean dictator and trashing the NFL and Harley-Davidson, you would have called me crazy.

    You all are his pawns. He's playing you like a fiddle.

  6. Remember when Trump tweeted that .gif of him kicking the ass of a "CNN" person outside a wrestling ring. Lynn posted it, too, right here.

    That was pretty funny.

  7. @2:17---LOl, LOL, LOL.
    We know who the sheep are. Pathetic.

  8. Lynn @ 10:50 yourself. You're getting real close to threatening people...again.

  9. 11:55am you are lacking in logic making this "connection" read about the Maryland killers motive, it was greed.

  10. @4:12...LOL AGAIN. There are millions who believe in that statement by ANONYMOUS pretending to be me??!! I need to read these things more carefully. Liberal haters are clever that way. Take a hike.
