Friday, June 29, 2018

President Trump's Supreme Court List

Justice Anthony Kennedy has announced his forthcoming retirement. For a little bit of trivia, did you know that he is the only current member of the Supreme Court who was approved unanimously by the Senate (97-0).

With the Left in full panic mode, here is The List of possibles to replace Justice Kennedy.


  1. All great choices-PUT THE YOUNGEST ONE ON THE COURT! That will drive the Loony Left even more bonkers as they count the years up on their fingers and toes! Heard Thomas will retire after the the RED WAVE in November! When Ginsberg finally goes the left will probably have her stuffed,put in a chair and declared good to go as she sends her decisions psychically to Chucky Schumer!

  2. The SCOTUS is one more reason Trump was elected. How far left would it go under Clinton? Just stop and think about that. Constitutionalist is the only way to go. Give the unborn humans a choice.
