Friday, June 29, 2018

Crying liberals and illegals having protest in Lake Worth

I received this from a group affiliated with which is a socialist progressive group and wanted to post it...just more BS from liberals using children in their hatred for our president and our laws.  Democrats, socialists and communists (all one in the same) do not respect our borders or our American citizens and are giving sanctuary in many cities across the country. They literally refuse to stand up in recognition of the values that make America great.

Lake Worth, do they have a permit?

Immigrant Families Deserve Liberation

Donald Trump and his administration are cruelly separating children from their families. But we won't allow it to continue. On June 30, we're rallying in Washington, D.C., and around the country to tell Donald Trump and his administration to stop separating kids from their parents!

Join us on June 30 to send a clear message to Donald Trump and Republicans in Congress: Families Belong Together!

When:  Saturday, June 30 at 1 p.m. (local time)
Where: Old Lake Worth City Hall
   Lake Worth, FL 33460
Host:    Maria T. Maria T.


  1. Cool, you gunna drive by and take creepy pictures?

  2. Hope ICE shows up to greet them all! If they are just on the public sidewalk they can be there as long as they are not blocking the sidewalk or road.

  3. I hope these people are paying for a permit,police,portalets amd clean up.have seen the mess they leave

  4. This group does NOT have a permit.

  5. aren't the people of l.w. getting tired of picking up the tab of these illegal functions.HOPE ICE IS THERE

