Monday, June 25, 2018

Red Hen owner related to a Hollywood star who loves Harvey Weinstein

Guess Who The Owner of Red Hen Restaurant That Kicked Sarah Sanders Out is ?!

Click here...


  1. I think this is disgusting and I hope they go out of business now. Just like the cake maker who refused to do a cake for a gay couple. All businesses need to remember they can behave this way, but there are risks to this, their success and their business lasting. When I have a bad experience with a business, I always do a review of them on Yelp, Yellow Pages, Trip Advisor, BBB, etc. I never let a business get away with mediocrity or treating people poorly. We should never allow it. I am glad people are doing poor reviews of this place now. Businesses can use the excuses of political or religious reason for not wanting to serve others, but WWJD? I don't think Jesus would behave like any of them and do this. Two wrongs do not make a right. All this division sickens me, and with people like Max Waters doing what she is doing, being so divisive is sinful and irresponsible of a member of congress, she should be ousted for that, it is unethical, citing violence and division this way, horrible. These people are all shameful. What they have done to people like Sarah, Pam B., Kirsten N, Ivanka, etc. is so unprofessional and completely tasteless. I hope Maxine gets what she deserves some day. Pure evil!

  2. why does everyone put it all on the business.dont forget we have the right to go to another store.the shameful part is the holliwood names telling people how to abuse the oresidents family and friends.hope something does not happen with their name on it.GOD is wonderful but but prayer is what we need for all and from all

  3. It is all on the businesses. When the LW downtown businesses started promoting the baseball stadium here or certain candidates, I stoped going to them and I have not been back. I won't go to Dave's, Brogues, and andy's at all because they do this, I won't support those businesses that go against my principles and standards either, it works both ways Red Hen!
