Monday, June 25, 2018

Puerto Ricans put demands on Governor Rick Scott

Puerto Ricans at risk of homelessness demand Gov. Rick Scott's help

I always love it when people "demand."  People come to our country counting on our generosity for  basic welfare.

Last year, Florida had 32,190 homeless. Other than California and New York, we are about number three in the country for the most homeless.

In 2016, even the City of Lake Worth passed an ordinance that essentially criminalized the homeless, chasing them out of city owned property after dark. The Trio of Maxwell, Triolo and Amoroso passed the seven-page ordinance with Maxwell saying, "It doesn’t use the word 'homeless' even once.". They even went so far as to play classical music at the Cultural Plaza, driving the homeless nuts..

After hurricane Maria, "tens of thousands of Puerto Ricans quit jobs and raced to Florida, transforming cities across the state. It's the largest migration ever from the Caribbean island, already surpassing the one after World War II.[NBC News]

But you can bet that Democrats will make an issue out of this if Rick Scott doesn't come up with a solution and give these displaced Puerto Ricans affordable housing paid for by FEMA or some other government entity. They are worried about homelessness.

Read about it...


  1. sometimes some of our neighbors worry about being homeless and no gov agency will help them.i would like to know how much my government is sendind to porta rico for burying hurricane victims when the max we get is $255

  2. What is sad about this is that Triolo and Maxwell are supposed to be Catholics too. So sad. Do you know Sugar Bear wrote an editorial about all of this when WPB wanted to do this to their homeless. What would this Catholic Worker say about our own elected? How sad pam and scott!

    In 2016, even the City of Lake Worth passed an ordinance that essentially criminalized the homeless, chasing them out of city owned property after dark. The Trio of Maxwell, Triolo and Amoroso passed the seven-page ordinance with Maxwell saying, "It doesn’t use the word 'homeless' even once.".

  3. How can Puerto Ricans sneak into this country without a passport? Everyone else needs one, why not them?

    Build that wall!!

  4. @5:00pm...they don't need a passport to come to the U.S.

  5. So if we make an exception for them, how many other people are we going to ignore? They don't speak English so they need a passport! Let them rot in detention centers with the rest of the illegals. I'm tired of my tax dollars going toward foreigners and free loaders.

  6. You do realize that Puerto Rico is part of the United States, dont you? They are not coming into our country - this is their country! They didnt quit jobs to come to Florida, their jobs no longer existed due to hurricane destruction. I understand that influx causes a strain on resources but they have every right to be here. Just as we would have the right to go to Georgia or another state if Florida was destroyed. (and we wouldnt need our passports either!)

  7. OK, Hillary lover. They're Puerto Ricans. They don't look like Americans. They don't speak the same language. It's not like we have some folks from Georgia coming in to Florida because of some sort of disaster. Like Lynn says, they're coming to our country from Puerto Rico and looking to mooch off of us without being vetted or cleared like all other immigrants. Why are we sitting around and letting this happen to our country??? And last time I checked, if you don't speak English you can't hold an American passport. Look it up.

  8. @11:57...Puerto Ricans are American citizens through some legislation 101 years ago. They don't need a passport or a visa. They don't need to speak English. And they can't vote. What they get out of this relationship is a lot of money from us...$21 billion a year in aid. They like our pocketbook.

  9. And the USA received a strategic military staging location, factory workers, and place for the rich to vacation. They are financially in trouble but they dont normally receive 21 billion per year from the federal government. And, for your highly educated follower, 11:57PM, you DONT need to speak English to get a US passport. Look it up, better yet, go get one! Visit the world, see other countries and people.

  10. I remember about 20 years ago we in fl voted to have fl an English speaking state.then a month ago the fed gov said English is the language of America.i know some lib is going to call me a liar so up front BITE ME

  11. I never met a Puerto Rican who didn't speak English. Philadelphia and New York are full of Puerto Ricans who have been here for generations. Are you from a foreign country to make such dumb statements?

  12. Thanks for the tip, RINO at 11:23. Why would I want to see a bunch of foreigners when I can travel inside America's borders (yes, we have borders, folks!) and see its beauty and speak english all the time and visit wawa and Cracker Barrel. The Trump Train pulls up to the front door all day and very rarely do you see anyone but our people going in there.

    And don't tell me that Puerto Ricans are Americans. You're either one or the other and if you don't live in the United States, you can't be a U.S citizen. But I do agree with this post when it talks about people like Puerto Ricans coming into our country and using all the tax money. Let them them stay in the Great Country of Puerto Rico! But if they want to come here, get a damn Puerto Rican passport.


  13. And with comments like these you get offended when trump supporters are considered racists?!
