Monday, June 25, 2018

Whack jobs out of Control

D-List Actor Tom Arnold Calls For Whacko Liberals To Stalk Trump Family and Their Small Children…THREATENS: “ It ain’t over until the children are safe & the Trump Administration is not”

Can't the Secret Service do something about these people?

In his attempt to regain the relevancy he hasn’t had since he and his actual celebrity ex-wife Roseanne Barr divorced, B-actor Tom Arnold is desperately attempting to become the leader of the hate movement against President Trump and anyone attached to his family or administration. [threepercentnation]


  1. What we all need to do is stop going to movies and watching TV with all these so-called stars and not give them any attention at all. Hollywood and dems and liberals are so out of touch. Most people today in the USA that work and work hard and save, want law and order. WE are tired of supporting dreamers and loafers and people living off the government. I am afraid in the end, the President Trump and Republicans are going to come out as the winners, as they are being more sane and logical with all. We want law and order. We want people coming into the USA legally and the right way. WE want people to work and pay taxes and do it all the right way. I would give people like Roseanna second chances and forgive her over these other goons that are so out of touch with us workers and tax payers.

  2. Remember when armed folks showed up outside halls where Obama was talking? Remember when a kid who loved waving the Confederate flag walked into a Charleston church and killed 9 African-Americans? Remember when a Nazi drove a car into a crowd into a Charlottesville rally and killed one person and injured many.

    We've been under attack from the right for years. So if Sarah Sanders can't eat her onion rings or AG Bondi can't watch a movie one night, forgive me for playing a violin the size of little finger.

    I hope it doesn't get as bad for you all as it has been for us for the last 10 years.
