Saturday, May 26, 2018

Quote of the Day - Dennis Dorsey

"Although tattooing has been practiced for many centuries, there has never been a tattoo parlor in Lake Worth going all the way back to 1911--until now.  Tattoos to this day are strongly associated with deviance, personality disorders and criminality. Tattooing used to be underground and was illegal. Now this Lake Worth commission wants us to accept that this is progress and good for our downtown by allowing a tattoo parlor on Lake Avenue."

~ Dennis Dorsey
Former mayor and commissioner Lake Worth from 1972 to 1982


  1. Thanks Mr. Dorsey. You are 100% correct.

  2. And he's right. Tattoos have always been associated with lowlifes, deviants and odd balls.

    Dixie would be a much more appropriate location.

  3. And this Commission wonders why nobody wants to come into our downtown???? Lets see-Vape shops,bars,pot shops and now Tattoo dives! Oh and lets not forget how Commissioner Andy Amoroso celebrated when Common Ground Church left our downtown. Deviance in-Morality out. Getting a picture here folks??Can't wait to celebrate Mother's day in Lake Worth!!! NOT !

  4. are you calling our service men and women from ww2 to today who get tattoos those names.sad if you are.everyone should smoke some good pot and mellow out

  5. Does it sound like that 5:59. Another loser.

  6. yes it sounds like that looser

  7. I am so over tat folks, our gym is filled with them and all they do is want attention and do whatever to get people to look at them, why are people who get and wear tattoos so attention deficit? Why do they want to always call attention to themselves? I won't look at people who have tattoos, that is what they want, they want you to look at them, they want attention, its all about insecurities and the tats make them feel people will look at them or give them some attention. So tired of all these tat freaks looking for and trying to call attention to themselves, just don't look at them or give them a second of my time or energy, can't stand insecure people!

  8. 5:59pm don't compare our greatest generation with the over medicated, entitled bums walking around today.

  9. 5:59pm "everyone should smoke some good pot?" Then what? Our enemies take over? SOBER up.

  10. wunnerful. now all the dregs will be coming to the downtown. don't we have enough already?

  11. Well at least Starbucks got ready for them!

  12. Bottom-line: people who get tattoos are insecure and just want attention given to them, they cannot resist pop culture and think it will make them fit in, but it doesn't.

  13. Hi Dennis, there’s a tattoo shop in college park that’s been there for almost 20 years, it’s across from Thrift World. Have a great day.
