Saturday, May 26, 2018

Feminism/liberalism truly a mental disorder?

Feminist Runs To Middle East To Marry Muslim Lover, Begs To Return Home After DISGUSTING ‘Wedding Gift’

Lacy MacAuley is a violent left-wing nut who helps organize Antifa Communist riots across America, and was featured in Project Veritas’ undercover video where she was one of the morons behind the violent disrupt protests during Trump’s inauguration. Just like every other brain dead moron on the left, MacAuley fell in love with Muslims and Islam and became obsessed with helping Muslim terrorists disguised as refugees, determined to prove to the world that Islam is a “religion of peace.”

Read about her experience... and her living hell from a woman who is still in denial..

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for posting this, the media won't let us know just how batshit crazy Hillary voters have become. They've become terrorists, unable to face reality and a danger to themselves. AND the UK news has gone so censored that reporters are arrested for telling the truth about the wholesale abuse of young women by muslims. Royal wedding? In the face of this atrocity, who cares if an "actress" marries a partying prince?
