Saturday, May 26, 2018

Starbucks and the Fruits of Liberalism

The liberals played Starbucks like a fiddle--they willingly got used and this is the result. This corporate decision will clearly hurt this business. A Starbucks employee reportedly found syringes, drug baggies and blood all over the walls in the bathroom at a Chicago Starbucks.


  1. OMG. Wait until all the drug users who use the free bathrooms at Publix find out that they can go to Starbucks instead! Conservative businesses lock their bathrooms and don't have these problems!

  2. Does David Hogg have anything to say about it?

  3. "Funny" 8:21am shut. up.

  4. Starbucks is toast, if one HAS to have their coffee, find it in the grocery store. What business can stay viable by inviting lay-abouts who aren't buying? What a terrible business model. Real estate offices have comfortable seating, restrooms and free coffee, shall they go kill time there? This is the tip of the iceberg.
