Saturday, May 26, 2018

Affordable Housing to come to Lake Worth

We are getting more affordable housing located near Highlands School and on top of that, some anonymous donor gave $1 million towards the project that is estimated to be developed by 2020.

"Third Avenue Homes will have fourteen, 2- and 3-bedroom units ranging from 1,200 square feet to 1,400 square feet, where the families of Highland Elementary students in Lake Worth will live. The project will take about 18 months to compete."

Read about it...


  1. Just Great! MORE slums in LW. No wonder they all come here.

  2. Why in the FUC$ is my city, Lake Worth, allowed to become homeless central of Palm Beach County????? They have this problem everywhere in the damn county-so why do we get a new slum moving in??? What Lake Worth DESPERATELY needs is some UPSCALE,EXPENSIVE homes to be built here! Lake Worth is already DROWNING in affordable housing. We don't need any more !!!! How long has the administration been keeping the lid on this scam and why wasn't the neighborhood warned about this? I'd be boiling mad If I had invested in a house near this future row-house ghetto. The neighborhood values are going to go into the toilet because of this.

  3. wth? lake worth IS one of the affordable places in palm beach county... we do NOT need affordable housing! Let them build this in Wellington or Palm Beach Gardens. you know, where minimum wage full time workers can't afford to live. NOT LAKE WORTH! cheap housing is plentiful here.
