Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Memorial Day Services at Pinecrest Cemetery

Following are a few photos from yesterday's joint service with Vogel-Lee Post 47 American Legion, Auxiliary, SAL, Riders and Boy and Girl Scouts. I prayed that the weather would be good and as Father Quesnel Delvard of Sacred Heart Church said, "He heard you."

Mayor Pam Triolo gave a wonderful speech (she always does). Commissioners Scott Maxwell and Herman Robinson attended the service. Boy Scout Troop 204 decorated the graves with American flags.


  1. Just wish they would not have both/two priests both from Haiti at Sacred Heart. Plus they need one of them to be humble, not ones who are wantabee rich Americans who put on airs. Wish they had a Latino priest or an American one. The school now is all Haitian kids and they seem to be losing all their gringo population at the church. Fr. Quesnel screams a lot during his homilies, much like an evangelist preacher does. Catholic priests today are paid like $45K a year, plus live in a rectory for free with a maid who cooks and cleans for them, they give like one mass a day, you never seeing them going to hospitals or doing a lot of service, they take a lot of trips, that they say are mission work, as part of their vacations. Just down on priests I guess, never putting them on a pedestal again.

  2. The sad thing about this priest, Fr. Q, is he just bought a brand new car last year or maybe someone gave it to him that costs like $42000. Why does a priest need such an expensive SUV car? Then they wonder why most of us lose respect for them as people of the clothe.

  3. pam and scott go to SH Church sometimes so they must have arranged for Father Quesnel to do the prayer on Monday. Why do both of them go to church alone and never with their spouses? Were their spouses at the mem. event?

  4. Why did they have to have a Catholic Priest do the invocation on Memorial Day? It may be best to get someone nondenominational.
