Tuesday, May 29, 2018

The Loser

"Oh, whoa is me...global warming and President Trump has given me a huge headache! Prior to Trump, it was George W. Bush...I lost the presidency to him."  Al Gore's advice to Donald Trump--"Resign."

I'm not sure which one is worse--Hillary Clinton given the commencement speech at Yale or Al Gore at the University of Maryland. Commencement speeches are not the same as when I was in college. Now they are political and given by left-wing LOSERS--Trump haters.


  1. gore should have watched the program on global warming yesterday.the earth is going thru its cycle according to real scientists

  2. For 59 years I've watched the tide come in and out of the Boynton Inlet. Not once has it overflowed it's walls. Same tide in,same tide out. On extreme full moon tides we have seen a little difference. The same little difference for 59 years. Rising sea levels -well yeah,eventually. 10,000 - 50,000 years eventually? And EVENTUALLY,the seas will retreat and whatever is living on the Earth will be able to car pool to the Bahamas.Climate change is not science. It's a con. Follow the money,dopes.
