Tuesday, May 29, 2018

David Hogg and his failed "Die-In"

David Hogg’s Assault on Publix Not Exactly the Victory He Expected

He's such a misinformed little guy. He wanted to extort $1 million from Publix for the Marjory Stoneman Douglas Victim Fund or he would form protests at their stores everywhere.

He was mad that Publix gave a campaign donation to Adam Putnam--Publix's right under the Constitution.. They essentially told him to "go stuff it."  So, what did he do? He formed a "Die-In" protest at the Publix nearest the school. He wanted other protesters to follow suit at Publix stores across the nation. It didn't happen.

His protest ambitions failed but he did get Publix to change its policy on political donations--for the moment.

Personally, I believe all companies and corporations should stay out of politics in spite of the Supreme Court decision in 2010 that upheld the rights of corporations to make political expenditures under the First Amendment.


  1. Boycott didn't work either, people think, you're not going, more for ME. If boycotting worked then the paying public should do it to Starbucks for allowing freeloaders full access to their stores.

  2. Publix gave a statement saying they appreciate the students and will no longer contribute to political campaigns. Guess he didnt fail too bad.

  3. That is Publix's decision. Now let's see him take on every corporation in America. He still doesn't understand our Constitution and is being lead around by the nose by left-wing liberals. It won't do him any good or liberals either. As far as Starbucks goes, what idiots.

  4. They all worry about the bottom line hence the apology, I'd like to see more courage of conviction. I'd like more doubling down and less milk toast.

  5. Well Winn Dixie is starting to have a ton of BOGO's now, so I am going there more too, they have decent prices and are getting better every day. Publix is too expensive and the only deal are their BOGO's. We shop at the Latin supermarkets in the area, the prices are about 1/3 that of Publix for fruits, vegetables, and meats, much better.

  6. No die-in's led by the Petulant Piglet at my Publix store. Too bad. I could have pissed just a tiny bit while stepping over the "dead".
