Sunday, May 27, 2018

Dive Against Debris at the Lake Worth Pier


  1. That's good. We will get the garbage out of our sea but we can't get the crap out of our city. Great going Lake Worth.

  2. Strange comment to your own post? Looks like it’s gonna be another bizarre day west of lake Worth

  3. The comment is appropriate. We are NOT addressing the slum and blight in our city...not one little freaking bit!

  4. LOL, I agree with you Lynn, the city is a dump and looks worse and worse and now with a tattoo parlor on Lake Ave. it is already filled with so many renters and illegals and blight galore, not to mention lots of crime and lawlessness. Who in their right mind wants to stay living in Lake Worth? Not many take much pride in the city, even College Park used to look nice and be the best part of the city and many parts of CP are looking super ratty now too.

  5. Since 2008, if you own a property ANYWHERE in 33460/1, have your
    Property values increased or decreased? 'Nuff said.

  6. 5:55 not a good analogy. After 2008, we were getting out of a recession. Property values had no where to go but up. Because values are up does not negate the fact that we have tons of slum and blight in our city. Just think about values if your neighbor cleaned up his act.

  7. Lynn you are right, 33460 never got better, I owned two different houses in 33460 from 1998-2017, all the owners all around me didn't live there, they all rented their houses out and never took care of them or made their tenants keep things up or looking nice, all blighted and a lot of crime and nuisance from them. Fed up with both experiences in 33460, I sold all property in 33460 and moved to 33480! Much happier now!
