Sunday, May 27, 2018

The Racist - Al Sharpton

Al Sharpton goes on bizarre rant about royal wedding and ‘white supremacy’

Al Sharpton, an honest to goodness Babtist minister, said the royal wedding between Prince Harry and Meghan Markle, who is biracial, is a sign that white supremacy is “on its last breath.”

Sharpton spoke of the nuptials during his weekly National Action Network rally Saturday in Harlem as millions across the globe had their eyes transfixed on the over-the-top affair Saturday between Harry and Markle, whose mother is black and father is white.


  1. The whole thing is bizarre, so who needs Al spouting off. The bride isn't biracial with one black grandparent, she's octracial, but that's enough to invite Oprah to posture at the wedding. Its her mom who's biracial, but the narrative fits the liberal agenda.

  2. Meghan's mother is 100% black. Where did you read that?
