Sunday, May 27, 2018

Crooked Hillary

I really have to wonder why every single time I see Hillary out there talking to groups and at college commencements regarding her failed campaign, using the Russian narrative even pulling out a Russian hat at Yale and continuing to give her delusional reasons for that failure. You would think she would shut the heck up. But I guess the only audience she has left are naive college kids.

Donna Brazile, former DNC Chair,  has been claiming Hillary took money from state parties to fund her second failed presidential campaign. Brazile revealed in an op-ed published in Politico Magazine that the DNC was broke and in serious debt all courtesy of former President Barack Obama by saying, .“Obama left the party $24 million in debt — $15 million in bank debt and more than $8 million owed to vendors after the 2012 campaign — and had been paying that off very slowly.”

Other revelations were that Hillary’s campaign fund known as Hillary for America, as well as the Hillary Victory Fund, a fundraising organization that worked hand in hand with the DNC had “taken care of 80 percent of the remaining debt in 2016, about $10 million, and had placed the party on an allowance.” [

Read the rest of the sorry truth...


  1. "But I guess the only audience she has left are naive college kids."

    And Republicans who can't stop talking about her.

  2. Posting about Hillary is JUST FOR YOU. the story is not over about her. Here's hoping that as far as she is concerned, justice will prevail. And then I can keep reminding you feminists that she is a crooked POS. :)

  3. Ms Brazile is my heroine, way better than entitled nincompoops spouting off at awards shows.

  4. The GOP uses the "crooked Hillary" narrative as an excuse for electing a lying immoral conman who is destroying this great country. The more this ass screws up the more you talk about Hillary. Keep digging.

  5. Way too many liberals (probably just one--you!) and nonsensical lefties come here on this blog. Get your own blog and rant to your heart's content. You are going down as all losers are. Terrible to know the truth, right?

  6. LOL, this is so funny here! I agree I am so over all these liberal crazy's that do not want any law and order and anything goes. Like them blaming border patrol for killing that young immigrant in these past few days, yet she was coming into the country illegal and then trying to fight back against our laws and order here. Yahoo news loves to sensationalize all of this as if we are the bad guys for protecting our territory, why is anyone just allowed to cross over illegal and enter this country without regard for our laws? Luckily, all the responses to the yahoo news story comments all said she got what she deserved because she broke the law and came in illegally. We have laws for a reason and I am tired of all these liberals that think letting all these illegals to just come here and work and live here illegal and not pay taxes and then have kids and live of us is fine. Stop this madness!

  7. Liberals: take a slow walk across to Mexico and see how long you last, Pollyanna. They'll rob you of your gold teeth.

  8. Hillary is the one who won't go away and blames everyone but herself for her losses. It warrants response when she lies shamelessly. Once she is charged and convicted all will stop and Bill can pursue all the women he wants..wait, he's been there done that.

  9. Lynn, I think you should be happy your blog attracts dissenting opinions. If just the parrots in the cheering section voiced their opinions, it would be a very dull blog, and eventually, no one would even bother to read it.
