Thursday, May 31, 2018

An Eyesore and a Privileged Boat Owner

When it comes right down to it, many people get away with just about anything in this city. Gee officer, I have no where to park my boat...gee whiz--can I get a waiver? Well, why the hell not. And his car was parked on the lawn.

This particular property is on Akron Street. The trailer touches the road.  The boat is bigger than the house. But it seems they got an approval from the City of Lake Worth.

Good afternoon Lynn, 128 Akron was approved. We currently have 8 approved Administrative approvals for Boats/RVs to be parked in the front yard. They are:

*    1226 15th Ave North
*    1715 N. Lakeside Drive
*    1614 N J Street
*    1026 N J Street
*    110 Wellesley Drive
*    525 N Palmway
*    181 Duke Drive
*    128 Akron Street store the boat in the front yard.

Bobby Hicks
Community Code Inspector| Community Sustainability Department


  1. Big boat. I was wondering about why this was even in his yard.

  2. how many of these are in andys zone.looks suspisios

  3. All but one are in andy and pam's zone. tell you something? So wrong! Is it a surprise though?

  4. Gosh, how many people can afford a boat west of Dixie & east of 95?

  5. GOOD NEWS--SEE THE FOLLOWING--Finally someone doing the job:

    Lynn, I just wanted you to know that I gave the owner a violation today. The owner called and advised me that they put the boat in storage today and put both cars in the driveway/carport.

    Bobby Hicks
    Community Code Inspector| Community Sustainability Department

  6. The violation was for his car parked on the grass.

  7. Good job Lynn, thank you for all you do to make LW better. I wish more people cared as much as you do! You are top notch lady!

  8. Why are they allowed to do this, this isn't a little fishing village?
