Thursday, May 31, 2018

Starbucks in Lake Worth

Starbucks closed its downtown Lake Worth location on Lake Avenue on Memorial Day...a day to remember. This politically correct corporation will open at the new building on North Dixie and 2nd Avenue North which will primarily be drive-through clientele.  No one knows why they made this decision but personally I believe it is one huge gigantic mistake. I was worried about the traffic there but no one needs coffee that badly to use a drive-through. One thing for sure, it will probably cut down on their PC lessons or their worry about loitering or people coming just to use their bathrooms. Or maybe not.

Yes, people downtown care what's happening to Lake Avenue and wonder what's coming next. Lake Worth has allowed a tattoo  parlor on Lake Avenue and on top of that, one development company seems to be buying up half the properties--raising rents--and shopkeepers are wondering if they can afford to be in our downtown. Pretty soon we will be nothing but bars, booze, vape and tattoos. The rental rates have been rising for years. Owners buy properties at inflated prices and then raise their rental rates to poor shop owners struggling to make a living.

That's what happened to Andy Amoroso who was forced out of his rented space having been there for years and a staple in our downtown. It's a damn shame what's going on.

Read about it...


  1. Starbucks? You mean the new American bum hostel? I agree,Lynn this new location will suck. Part of the draw at the old location was meeting friends going by and people watching.As for the rude porno man-good riddance.

  2. couldn't stand their coffee and the bs'ers who went there

  3. Won't miss them at all. Can't wait to see all the body piercing people prancing around town.

  4. too much corruption in this town.

  5. Too many homeless at that store.

  6. We drove by the new Starbuck's tonight around 6:30pm it looks like it was opened and there were several people sitting outside on the chairs there, it looked like mostly homeless types with lots of tattoos. Maybe they should put a tat parlor near here too! Too expensive and over-rated. Not falling for all this pop-culture got to have this stuff crap. Over all these insecure people!
