Thursday, May 31, 2018

Quote of the Day - Aveda King

"If Starbucks wants to end racism it will stop funding Planned Parenthood."

Aveda King
Martin Luther King Jr's niece


  1. Unfortunately, Ireland voted overwhelmingly to OVERTURN their abortion ban. This is rather shocking as that country is over 70% Catholic.

  2. So are those Catholics going to to hell for having an abortion? Yes or no?

  3. Wait to see what wrath God brings down on Ireland and it's people.

  4. @3:36--I can't answer your question--I'm not God. However, it is sanctioning murder. There is a judgment day and people need to atone.

  5. In this day and age any so called civilized society should never allow abortion or the death penalty, they are both forms of murder and none of us are God and have a right to take a life, none of us, only God!
