Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Socialists are behind the anti-gun movement?

The latest anti-gun campaign cannot be disconnected from the tragedy of the most recent school shooting, but it would be a mistake to think it began there.

World Net Daily says that disarming law-abiding Americans and undoing the Second Amendment has been a socialist dream for over a century, no matter the lies they tell you."

Socialists say that they believe in the inalienable right of exploited & oppressed people to self-defense, thus, "we support the right of all citizens to bear arms." But perhaps things have changed.

Meet this generation's socialists who aren't even trying to hide their hatred by...
Clicking here and reading the article at WND.

And folks, make no doubt about it...we are fighting this gun confiscation and overall left-wing mentality right here in our city. Good people are being manipulated right and left. What's especially sad is the manipulation of all these high school kids by phony bleeding heart liberals taking advantage of them in their time of horrendous grief. I'm not convinced of the Socialist angle on guns but we know that a large percentage of liberals are Democrats and Socialists.

The Socialist Party Platform

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