Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Scott Maxwell's DEPLORABLE message

I haven't been involved in any campaign this election but this message from Scott Maxwell drove me to respond--
By now I'm sure you've received a number of door hangers, mailers and phone calls from me encouraging you to VOTE today. (YEAH, WAY TOO MANY)
(I received:  4 robo calls from Scott including this one to Republican registered voters; 1 from his wife; 2 from a Haitian who did not speak English; 1 from a Democrat who supported the destruction of John prince Park, 2 e-mails and various mailers)
But I really want you to know how hard I have worked to improve the quality of life for all Lake Worth residents and I just can't take the chance of allowing our wonderful city to go backward!

You see, my opponent has nothing but contempt for the conservative leadership (LIE) that is rebuilding our roads and sidewalks, encouraging 100's of millions of investment and related job opportunities, consistently reducing crime year after year, (THAT'S A JOKE)  cutting your electric bills to lower than FPL (ASK HIM ABOUT THE COMMERCIAL RATE) and positioning you and I for a much brighter future in Lake Worth!
So I am asking you to VOTE today and to consider the many quality of life improvements we've made over the past couple of years. (LIKE RAISING TAXES EVERY YEAR)

I can't tell you how important this election is for our city and I implore you to VOTE today as a low voter turnout could be disastrous for myself and for our Mayor Pam Triolo.

My opponent has brought Democrat Party outsiders from around the state (LIE) and beyond to work the phones and walk the neighborhoods to ensure that YOUR conservative leadership team is extinguished.

I've been endorsed by the Police, the Firefighters, (YEAH, & they are at many precincts today intimidating voters) the Palm Beach County Human Rights Council the a AFL-CIO and the Lake Worth Herald and dozens more!

And while I really do appreciate these endorsements, the endorsement I would appreciate most is yours... and I humbly ask for your endorsement today by voting to re-elect me ...Scott Maxwell to our city commission.

Thank you in advance for your consideration!




  1. Wow,his wife can actually speak? Scott wants to destroy our pool. He tried to destroy John Prince Park.He spit on an election by the people of this city. I agree with above poster. He is a pig.

  2. Scott, thanks for the great work you did on the city pool.

  3. are you sure scott is not related to rocket man

  4. I would vote but my husband, son and boss won't let me, according to misogynist Hillary Clinton.
