Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Tillerson out; Pompeo in

The shake-up, which was expected, takes the role of Secretary of State out of the hands of Tillerson  whose relationship with the President has grown increasingly fractured. It's now in the hands of Mike Pompeo whose bond with Trump has only strengthened.


  1. Someone just got eliminated in the Whitehouse Appreciate Reality Show. Guess who?

  2. Hey, worry about Hillary's reality show in India. She is making a fool out of herself all over the world now.

  3. Lynn,
    What do you think about the inability of Trump to criticize Russia for anything? From the start of his campaign to present. Putin on the other hand is playing all the old Russian dirty tricks from before Russia was humiliated by the West and had to break up. He is our sworn enemy and seems to be bringing back the nuclear arms race. Trump was furious that Tillerson agreed with our allies and called out Russia for the poisoning of the spies in London.

    Will Trump ever criticize Putin? What does Putin have over Trump?

  4. It has nothing to do with "inability." I think it has everything to do with the fake Russian dossier and the Left's insistence that Russia ruined their gal's chances to get elected. He has been through thousands of smears from the Left himself as well as fake news. I think he wants to be sure of all the facts. It is easier to get along with people than not.
    He recently criticized the Russian government and Vladimir Putin directly over their backing of the Syrian government’s military actions and Putin's recent comments about his nuclear arsenal.
    And all the sanctions against Russia from 2014 are still in effect.

  5. But weren't the more recent sanctions over their proven meddling in our democracy, reluctantly signed by Trump, put on hold i.e not enforced?

  6. I m not worried about Hillary in India or Indiana but I am getting a kick outta liberals freaking out about Trump and the way some
    conservatives defending EVERY move he makes. This man is PUTUS, not a king, he’s not royalty and we are not his subjects. Can I barrow ur red Trump hat when we go see his whore shake her ass at Ultra?

    Go Pam & Scott!!!!!

  7. @4:49--you are a very confused individual. You knock the leader of our Party, the leader of our country, and the leader of the free world but then endorse Scott and Pam. Have you seen a doctor lately?

  8. @4:43--Sometimes sanctions can be detrimental--hurt American economic interests without changing the target’s behavior for the better. Trump weighs all options.

  9. Clinton is deranged, physically incapacitated, unable to accept her loss, and making a fool of herself, now on the world stage.

    She needs to go to a mental institution.

  10. How can you call Trump the leader of the free world? What is the free world anyway? He certainly isn't a leader in Germany, France, Sweden, England, Italy, or any other Western Country, they have their own leaders. Is that an inherited title? They always call the American President "The Leader of the Free World". The US is a legend in its' own mind. At the most, at any given time, the US President is the leader of about half of its' own citizens.

  11. It’s really scary that there are so many ignorant people living among us.

  12. That's okay Lynn; if you can sleep better telling yourself these fairy tales and fables, no one should try to take that away from you.
