Friday, March 23, 2018

Democrats' Policy Platform - Socialism

Ever get the feeling that your country is being sold out from beneath you? Well, it is. The Democrats are not interested in solving problems- only in creating new ones so that they can frighten people into voting for them so they can stay in their cushy Washington offices. [Patriotic Viral News]


  1. Republicans and the far right wing control all three branches of government and have a widely watched propaganda outlet and it's still not enough for them to take over the country?

    Maybe if y'all stopped worrying about the Clintons and Obama so much and focused on just running the country you might get something done.

  2. Thanks for your advice, however, Republicans do focus on getting things right for our country. It is you liberals who give the obstacles. I honestly think you all are a VERY BIG WORRY. You want our country over-ridden by illegals and those wanting to do us harm. Why is that? Perhaps we should stop the filibuster in the Senate and finally get something done.

  3. If the media will let go of the Obamas and the creepy Clintons everyone can stop living in the past during which there were chargable felonies, ignored, bypassed and let go with talking points. " He misspoke"
