Friday, March 23, 2018

"Lake Worth is off the wall," says property owner

Read about it...


  1. Thanks Lynn, I read the article. Maybe it is because waters doesn't have degrees from a accredited university? Who knows. We just found out that our manager at our condo put he has a bachelor's degree on his resume, but then when we did research we found out his degree is from an unaccredited university, religious, it seems the university is just an online degree mill with no real validity. Today, so many are trying to pass off as having legitimate degrees, but if they are not from a state or national accrediting agency, then they really have no value. This may explain why we have all these dorks running our condos and cities today, do they even have legitimate degrees?

  2. I agree with you on many condo boards having "dorks." You don't need a degree to be on a board of a condo or HOA but you do have to know your governing documents--Florida Statutes, Declaration of Condominium and rules and regs. Most out where I live are 100% clueless and make up stuff that is wrong and even off the wall. The only alternative is to garner up enough knowledgeable people to run against them...easier said than done. The other alternative is to sue and you just lose money in that endeavor.

  3. All of the Attorney's who specialize in Condo Law have free classes; two hours with coffee and donuts, and the Condo/HOA Board members are either too lazy or too stupid to go to them. Even a Certificate of Completion. But beware Board Members: The day is coming when it will be mandatory.

  4. I couldn't read the article because I don't want to join anything associated with the Palm Beach Post.

  5. Once the certification is mandatory there won't be condo boards unless the "stupid and lazy" unit ownets step up and do something besides complain.

  6. What I am saying is managers put on their resume they have a bachelors degree, to make it look like they have more education, but they don't as it is just from an online degree mill university that does not even have state accreditation. They beef it up with something fake, they are frauds most of them, losers.

  7. Those "classes" at the attorneys are a scam to sell more services to boards who want free donuts. When I ran a condo (alone because the unit owners and other board members were null and void) I had my attorney at all my meetings just to shut the whiners up with her knowledge which no board member can or try to obtain. That's why attorneys make the big bucks.
