Friday, March 23, 2018

President Trump correct - Fair Reciprocity

Targeting China’s economic aggression

In the White House Diplomatic Reception Room yesterday, President Trump made it clear he’s taking a stand for American innovation. “We’ve lost, over a fairly short period of time, 60,000 factories in our country—closed, shuttered, gone. Six million jobs, at least, gone. And now they’re starting to come back,” the President said. “But we have one particular problem. And I view them as a friend . . . and that’s China.”

The President has directed his Administration to consider a range of actions to respond to China’s unfair and harmful acquisition of U.S. technology. Now, the Administration is proposing for public comment adding 25 percent additional tariffs on products that are supported by China’s unfair industrial policy.

“The word that I want to use is ‘reciprocal,’” President Trump said. “When they charge 25 percent for a car to go in, and we charge 2 percent for their car to come into the United States, that’s not good.”


  1. The fact is, that while Trump is technically correct; you cannot give something to someone for all these years, and then abruptly take it away. What do you think the consequences of these actions will be? I shudder to think. It might be a good exercise to look into the reasons the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor!

    I think he is going about this the wrong way.

  2. Fair is fair, anonymous. China has been stealing our intellectual property for years not to mention the unfair trade imbalance. What do you do with a damn thief? Use your lily whites with him? Ask him pretty please to stop? Hasn't worked. This will.

  3. Many years ago, I had an attorney for a civil matter, and I said to him: "It's not fair Mr. Horowitz, it's not fair". And he said to me: "Life's not fair, honey". So, if you're looking for fair in this life Lynn, you may be sadly disappointed. You may get more than you bargained for.

  4. I think I would have been more p*ssed off at my attorney calling me "honey." :)

  5. I doubt it Lynn! I'm sure you were called honey at least once in your life.

  6. @9:47--never from a boss and never from someone I had hired...rude and condescending and even sexist.
