Saturday, February 17, 2018

Milkshakes against the Republican Party

(Infowars) – A far-left group on Facebook is calling on people to murder Republican lawmakers who support the NRA as revenge for the Florida school shooting.

The unhinged posts appeared on a Facebook group called ‘Milkshakes Against the Republican Party’ in the hours after the massacre at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School.

Why aren't they arrested?


  1. It's beyond time to stop gun free zones in our schools.

    2 or 3 armed soldiers in each school will be the best deterrent to mentally ill and terrorists shooting unarmed and innocent students and teachers.

    Gun control would strengthen terrorists and the mentally ill, not stop attacks.

    Armed, trained marksmen will stop attacks before they happen.

  2. Maybe the Mikshakes should go after the FBI who could have prevented this.
