Saturday, February 17, 2018

Illegal rapes 7 year old

Illegal immigrant charged with molesting and raping 7-year-old girl and her mother

Read about another illegal criminal creep


  1. Why isn't Trump doing anything about these thugs? It's been a year already. He said he would round up these people "on day one." I'm tired of waiting for him to build the wall and make America Great Again.

  2. Sorry about your outrage. I'm still processing that a 19yo white guy killed 17 people 3 days ago with an AR-15 he legally bought in Florida when he was 18yo.

  3. Well, hey--check with Obama...perhaps he can help you out and find you a safe space.

  4. @3:38--Ask your Democratic obstructionists in Congress. They are holding up the works. Ask them why they are harboring these criminals and making sanctuary cities and sanctuary states allowing criminals to thrive and live among us citizens.

  5. 8 years of Obama with mass shootings during his reign including terrorist attacks and no progress.

  6. looks like everytime my president trump trys to do something there is some liberal judge blocking him.thats where you have to start asking thing is we have to bring GOD back into our lives.if you think you can handle all this without HIM you need more help than you say the kids do
