Saturday, February 17, 2018

Show me a law, says Trey

No law can truly stop the evil that exists in the human heart. And crafting laws designed to try, while abridging the constitutionally guaranteed liberties of the rest of the country, is not only wrong-headed, it’s doomed for failure.



  1. if these people want to kill a bunch they are going to find a way."pressure cookers trucks running down side walks cars with enough fertilizer to take out city blocks"these people need help but if we adults don't start talking better toward each other its usless.dont forget these kids are watching and learning from lets try talking to all of them instead of protesting outside a school.after all it is said they are just kids i know someone is going to say something nasty about this but for a minute think

  2. VIDEO GAMES have destroyed the humanity of the kids who were left to play for hours by negligent parents. Copy cats are already saying they will "top" Cruz's count, exactly what these gamers do. Call of Duty was age restricted but that made it more compelling for kids who's brains weren't yet mature.

  3. I agree these games don't help the young but who makes them.and the news media doesn't help by playing the sound track of gun shots and people screaming 24/7

  4. ANYTHING making money in this country is sacred that includes Hollywood's love affair with shoot 'm up tv and movies the more graphic the more money made. And money is a god.
