PBSO District 14 Cpt. Todd Baer spoke to the City Commission last night. There were 565 over-doses in Lake Worth for year 2017 with several of them resulting in death. Following is his presentation and various duties they performed for our city:
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It is all relative, you can always fudge with statistics, plus there are not many significant differences from last year to this year on many, plus there is still a lot of crime for a small city of less than 40K, no matter how they want to report it. Lake Worth is unsafe and blighted and poor and uncared for, the leaders do little about the crime, the blight, and the lawlessness in LW. Plus, the PBSO is not present in this city, they are not in the hood and present to prevent a lot, until after the fact. As well, a lot of the problems in LW are due to the immigrants, illegals, and renters, and above all ineffective, unethical, and greedy elected and management in this city, who do next to nothing, period.