Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Cory Booker - No class

Cory Booker blasts DHS Kirstjen Nielsen for her claiming she didn't hear Trump make derogatory comments. Nielsen sat there unaffected by his outlandish and ridiculous outburst.  Booker proved  himself to be a first-class bully to the world.

This New Jersey congressmen is as crazy as California's and that's saying something. They can't get over that they lost the election and continue to spew hate to divide our nation.


  1. He was voted into office by people fed up with the politically correct bullshit spewed by the "traditional" politicians who would dance around the fact that we are inundated with people coming here from economically depressed countries with corrupt governments. Are these countries shit holes? You don't see tourist vacations to Haiti and San Salvatore do you? How about Somalia? Is that a shit hole country?

    Can you think of any local city ever being referred to as a shit hole?

    What a bunch of snowflakes. Get over it. These ARE shit hole countries. Many of them receive "millions and millions" of US money that is trying to keep their impoverished (over) populations from starving to death.

  2. I agree with the above. If Haiti, El Salvador, or many other countries in Africa or around the world were so great, why do all their people want to flee them and come here? They know they are dumbs with greedy and corrupt leaders who steal and leave the country poor and looking like sht.

    All these people here protesting and flying their flags for their countries here are hypocrites, if Guatemala was so wonderful, then why do half its people flee thee to come here? It is too bad, but true. Downtown Guatemala City where all the government office is a dump, poor, blighted, and unsafe, a lot of the city and country is too, no wonder they want to come to the USA.

    It would just be nice if all these immigrants coming here would assimilate to our country and ways, fit in, and stop shouting and living like lawless uneducated loosers here.

  3. The wreckage of Haiti is due in part to the corruption of the Duvalier regime. They get here and behave much the way they're used to. Illegals, drug sober houses and our commission is tearing down LW much the same way. In what job does one get to vote in one's own raise and benefits? In a dictatorship. Publix on Dixie has a filthy restroom, when a paying customer complained of the cause: street people, manager said they have right to use the facilities. Maybe but do they have rights to degrade everything to the point decent citizens who work to spend at Publix can't use the facilities?

  4. The wreckage of Haiti is due in part to the corruption of the Duvalier regime. They get here and behave much the way they're used to. Illegals, drug sober houses and our commission is tearing down LW much the same way. In what job does one get to vote in one's own raise and benefits? In a dictatorship. Publix on Dixie has a filthy restroom, when a paying customer complained of the cause: street people, manager said they have right to use the facilities. Maybe but do they have rights to degrade everything to the point decent citizens who work to spend at Publix can't use the facilities?

  5. I have heard, and not just once, Lake Worth referred to in those very words.

  6. If Mr Booker moved to Haiti would he be given food, lodging and medical? Would they bend over backwards to accommodate his native language? He'd have what everyone has there, no special assistance otherwise people would be risking all and breaking laws just to be there to work and rebuild starting with planting trees.
