Wednesday, January 17, 2018

New Jersey's new governor will subvert America's Laws

He planned on making New Jersey a sanctuary if the President doesn't honor all the illegal "dreamers" and give financial aid to non-Americans.  New Jersey residents will be forced to subsidize illegal aliens. Oh, and did I mention?  He's a Democrat who hates Trump.

Twisted logic: Murphy has said, "If people can come out of the shadows and engage, and not have any fear of their status but they are engaging with law enforcement on keeping communities safer, then it is a safer community."

A lot of damage was doneton our country over the past 8 years to arrive at this belief by Democrats, a party that now advocates open borders and socialism and is openly antagonistic towards the federal government and the laws of this land as well as our President.

"So the next time you hear some Open Borders politician or pro illegal immigrant surrogates advocate on their behalf, ask yourself why we as American citizens need to bear the increasing costs of violence, victimization and burdensome taxes in subsidizing illegal immigrant criminals who shouldn’t be in our country in the first place,." said Ron Martinelli.  [Ron Martinelli is a nationally renowned forensic criminologist and law enforcement expert]


  1. Excuses be gone I say! Lawlessness and chaos are the norm with dems and anarchists, we have had our share of them here in Lake Worth over the years, why would people not want laws, order, or security? Why is it OK to have to live among illegal undocumented human trafficked people here? Then the elected wonder why all the decent homeowners are selling and moving out of Lake Worth for nicer and safer neighboring cities. On top of it, look how these elected in LW jacked up their salaries, almost 90% raises, for 1-2 meetings a month, they get healthcare, retirement, other benefits, $500 gas money a month, plus a huge salary for a few hours a month, what a scandal. Then they won't hire full time, as most employees in LW are part time with NO benefits, how ironic and what hypocrisy! What normal average person spends $500 on gas per month within a city of miles by five miles? THE BLAME IS ALL ON THESE ELECTED AND THEIR PATHETIC MANAGERS!

  2. Hope Gitmo is being prepared as the new home of all these lawless Gov.'s ,sheriffs,Mayors ,etc.!
