Sunday, December 31, 2017

Lake Worth will pursue case in spite of Appellate Court's ruling

City Attorney, Glen Torcivia

It's difficult to even comprehend that a grievance filed against the City of Lake Worth has gone on for 17 years. But, Joseph Viera, a former police officer for the City, just got a decision from the Appellate court that he is entitled to healthcare benefits for an injury he received while on the job with Lake Worth..

Part of the strategy of any government is to make it financially impossible for Joe Citizen to sue. The government has the deep pockets--other people's money. The part that shocks me is that the City usually will negotiate and settle. They don't usually want a lawsuit. But they have been playing hardball lately...think of Nick Petrino, a small amount of money in the scheme of things. And they certainly played hardball with the Heights Amendment Referendum.

But even more surprising is that the city attorney, Glen Torcivia, says the city, in spite of the court's decision, will continue the fight. Why?  Because present city officials (who were not even around back then) don't believe Viera.

One thing that we as citizens can believe is--
it has cost the city a bundle in legal fees
the court has ruled Viera is owed his healthcare
it's folly to continue on--for a former cop's healthcare he is entitled to by Florida law for being injured on the job
What's next?  The state Supreme Court?

 Read about it...


  1. We need staff and Commissioners that put the people of Lake Worth first.
    We need to vote in NEW COMMISSIONERS so that we can fire these bozo city staff members and get NEW STAFF members that actually do the jobs they were hired for!
    7.1 MILLION in "missing" money???
    Saying elections don't matter-unless this group wants them to?
    Time to take out the trash people-unless you want our city to continue swimming garbage.

  2. better be careful these clowns have it down to ONE meeting a month,2 min. speaking and give themselves a big raise for less time.the employes should be watching what is happening.they will be is vivible these crooks will not support our life line in this city.that is our employies and we need to support them better

