Sunday, December 31, 2017

Florida Winners and Losers

Winner of the year

Richard Corcoran. "Critics see him as a bully and sanctimonious hypocrite, an utter insider pretending to be a populist. But the wily Florida House speaker from Pasco County has dominated the agenda in Tallahassee like no one since Jeb Bush. He outmaneuvered both the governor and Florida Senate in last year’s legislative session, and there is little reason to doubt he will do so again in 2018 as he raises his profile in advance of a likely gubernatorial run.

Losers of the year

The Florida Senate. Three senators — Jack Latvala of Pinellas County,
Jeff Clemens of Palm Beach County, the biggest loser of all and Frank Artiles of Miami-Dade — knocked out of office for being pigs of one sort or another. What’s supposed to be the more deliberative body looked more like the Animal House branch."

Read the rest at Tampa Bay Times

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