Sunday, December 31, 2017

Those running for Jeff Clemens' seat

Jeff Clemens gave his District a special present for the New Year and what a shocker it was.  He resigned (we won't mention why as everyone already knows why) from his Florida senate seat. I just don't know why he got involved with a total loser who ended up destroying his career. I hope Devon West gets her own little bit of karma in the new year.

— Vacant because of the resignation of Lake Worth Democrat Jeff Clemens.
— Includes part of Palm Beach County.
— Special primary election Jan. 30.
— Special general election: April 10.
— Registered voters as of October 2016: 305,998

Lori Berman A progressive, first elected on November 16, 2010--she is term limited in 2018 and stepped up to run for Clemen's seat.
Arthur Morrison  Who in the hell is he?
will face off in the Democratic primary.

Tami L. Donnally is unopposed in the Republican primary. It's hard to beat a Democrat in this district but her campaign is going well she told me.

A special election for the position of Florida State Senate District 31 has been called for April 10, 2018. A special primary election has been called for January 30, 2018. The candidate filing deadline was December 6, 2017


  1. Lynn, don't blame or hope this on Devon, it is not her fault as much as it is Clemens. he was married and did what he did. His devilish and evil ways got him in the trouble he did, I doubt it was Devon, she was probably the victim here and I am sure the share of the blame should be on jeff. Don't you remember when he was mayor in LW how bad he was? How diabolical and nasty he was? Pray for them both, but don't blame Devon as much as jeff for this. I say no more democrats now. Most are too liberal and self serving, jeff certainly was. How many speeding tickets did he have and then wanted to raise the speed limits? He got what he deserved. Don't wish bad on poor Miss West.

  2. She knew what she was doing. She was a vindictive woman and it cost him his career. It takes two to tango and Jeff shouldn't be condemned because of an affair that was consensual. I think Devon West is the more objectionable one of the two.

  3. Devon got a new job because,wait for it, the quote in the newspaper from her new boss was"She is very good at what she does".
    You can't make this crap up.
    Lori Berman is a do nothing Govt parasite that really needs to get a real job.
    No more Democrats. They all suck. Anybody still willing to call themselves Democrat needs to be removed from office by we the people.
