Tuesday, November 28, 2017

The latest Liberal "breakthrough"

Is there no perversion that the Left will not embrace and promote?

Left-wingers champion themselves as the political party for Women’s Rights (ironically by promoting “independent” lifestyles that have made women more depressed than ever before in history) and for children’s rights (ironically by accumulating mind-boggling amounts of government debt for our children to inherit – if their mothers don’t abort them). [TeaParty.org]

Now, finally, they’re having another moment of insanity after saying they or their children can choose their sex.

Read about it...


  1. Please. Our parents didn't even let us choose our bedtimes! This is just LAZY ,WUSSY PARENTING to the MAX!!!

  2. I agree, today most parents do not know how to be parents, they aren't. Go to a store, restaurant, anywhere in public and see how pathetic parents are today, they don't do anything. Let their kids run around World Thrift like crazy, no one controls them. Our society is doomed. This sparing the rod is not good for raising kids.

  3. Part of it is the parents fault, and part of it is the cultural breakdown of the West. This has been going on for 50 years, and people are just now becoming aware of it.

    That's why you see more dogs on Lake Avenue than kids.
